The demand for Workboats is increasing on a daily basis. Workboats are not only a tug that moves floating object from one place to another, workboats can offer an extensive list of services. For example they carryout marine renewables, marine construction projects, inspections, survey work, salvage, aquaculture, towing and workboat support tasks, people transport and commercial diving.
Morgan Marine Insurance can offer a wide range of cover for various types of workboat insurance whether you need a specific service or a combination of services.
We have for many years arranged the insurance for Leask Marine who offer a wide variety of vessel charter services, commercial diving and marine consultancy services allowing them to provide the complete marine solutions. Leask Marine has been heavily involved in Marine Renewables since they began in Orkney in 2003, they started out in 1985 working on marine construction projects this is achieved by having the combination of vessels and dive team allowing them to deploy the resources required for any given job.
Morgan Marine Insurance welcomes your enquiry, please contact our office to discuss your requirements for your Workboat insurance.
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